
Alpaca beer mug

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Are you going to the birthday of a friend who is passionate about beer, but also about the good taste of the past? Make her birthday more beautiful, with this pint of alpaca beer, with hunting scenes! 

Beer has been consumed, according to discoveries in western Iran, for over 3,500 years. The Persians drink it from large, spherical clay vessels, covered with ceramic tiles with a hole in the middle. Drink with a straw through this hole, because large amounts of sediment were deposited on the bottom of the vessel. It was consumed as food because it did not contain a large amount of alcohol. But it was very nourishing. In the Middle Ages, when Catholic monks realized that beer is a perfect food for Lent, each monastery specialized in producing a beer with a certain flavor. At the end of the 17th century, the allowance for pupils in England consisted of two bottles a day because it was much safer and better in taste than the drinking water available, and the mug, as we know it today, was already a commonplace container. Benjamin Franklin noted that in a printing house in London that each employee visited, they ate a pint before breakfast, a pint between breakfast and lunch, a pint at noon, a pint at 6 o'clock, and a pint when they finished work. . 

Alpaca este un aliaj maleabil, vechi de mii de ani, cu un punct de topire coborat. Era format din cupru, antimoniu, bismut si plumb, dar cand s-a descoperit ca plumbul da intoxicatii severe, a fost scos din aceasta compozitie. Dupa secolul 17, in noua reteta,  alpaca contine doar staniu, stibiu si cupru si seamana foarte mult cu „argintul tibetan”, o alpaca care continea si argint. 

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