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Mihai Perca – „Gemeni”

2.486,40 lei

He lives and works in Romania. Member of the Union of Visual Artists in Romania, graduate of the "Ioan Andreescu" Academy of Arts, Romania

Relevant exhibitions: Belgium, France, Germany, Romania, Hungary,

Works in public collections: Moldova, Romania,

Works in private collections: France, Germany, Romania, USA

The famous theory "The child draws what he knows and not what he sees" is statutory to the artistic approach of Mihai Perca.

But, because Mihai Perca became, according to the law of differentiation, a painter who appropriated all the perceptual elements of his visual representations, he forces us to an understanding based on "abstract" concepts. The painter uses a lot of elements to configure, most of the time, shapeless structures that, with the help of some mental constructions, establish meanings. Being a storyteller, he needs a space in which his own feelings, of which he is deeply impressed, take on meaning. An artistic technique can make them tangible. Mihai Perca chooses the drawing, the color, the light, the titles given to the works, in order to invent a way of representing the physical and mental world.

3 months
6 months
Nine months
12 months

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