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Sorin Ionescu (1913 - 1999) - Static nature with fruits

10.935,19 lei

3 months
6 months
Nine months
12 months

Born in Bucharest on April 11, 1913, Sorin Ionescu attended the Academy of Architecture between 1931 and 1938. His passion for painting was acquired by his mother, but also by approaching the artistic environment of the Free Academy of Painting led by Marius Bunescu, an academy that and he was sitting in the court of the house where he lived. He made his debut in 1932 at the Official Black and White Salon, with a drawing in ink, Vedere din Pitești, a technique he perfected over the years. The first personal exhibition, in 1935, at the Dalles Hall, brought him his appreciation. Nicolae Tonitza: “Happy debut. Warm and sensitized color. A brush-shaped nerve that gives your sails an air of freshness and committed flair ”.
Premiul Fundatiei Simu acordat de juriul Salonului Oficial 1938. Premiul „Leon Gh. Palade” acordat de juriul Salonului Oficial 1941. Pictor de razboi intre 1941-1944. Expozitii personale Sala Dalles 1941, 1943, 1945, Caminul Artei 1946, Ateneu Roman 1947, N. Cristea 1956, Magheru 1958, 1960, 1966, Orizont 1969, Ondine Roma 1972, Geneva 1975, GAMB 1975, Roma 1976, Berna 1976, Eforie 1977, Amalfi Italia 1978, GAMB 1979, Berna 1980, Weissenbach Austria 1987, etc
International exhibitions Geneva Switzerland 1967, Moscow 1970, Rome 1971, San Marino 1973, Rome 1990 etc.
The artist noted that art has entered a phase that can be defined as "imaginative". Hence the need to find new methods of expression and a new language… His research in this regard was continuous, he experienced various forms of expression from oil, collages on crumpled paper to the use of lava. His landscapes are "true soliloquies meant to force meditative states."
In broad perspectives, observation is combined with the tendency to poetize or dramatize. Quays, ships at sea or ashore, strips of water, rendered transfigured, reveal a good designer, but also a passionate colorist.
