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As June 1 approaches and we celebrate Children's Day, our partner, the Zetta Association, invites you to get involved in supporting children with a difficult financial situation, which requires reconstructive surgery. Our doctors specializing in reconstructive plastic surgery will perform pro bono, as usual, all interventions for young patients.

Dr. Dragoș Zamfirescu, primary doctor of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, founder of the Zetta Association: "The greatest reward I can receive, as a surgeon, is the happy smile of a child who has gone through a complicated operation. We often talk about reconstruction interventions that allow the little ones to enjoy a beautiful childhood: to play, to run, to craft, to make friends, to be appreciated and loved ”.

How can you help us? It contributes, through a donation, to cover the costs of the materials needed to carry out these operations in optimal conditions.

The Zetta Association was founded by the Zetta Clinic team and is a non-governmental association, established in order to provide support to children and adults with precarious social situations and diagnosed with complex pathologies, in order to benefit from the necessary surgeries, including:

  • Congenital malformations - facial, limbs, body
  • Post-combustion sequelae, which require reconstructive operations
  • Breast reconstructions following mastectomy for breast cancer
  • Brachial plexus paralysis - in children and adults
  • Upper limb functionality playback - hand surgery
  • Restoring the smile after facial paralysis
  • Post-cancer reconstructions of the oro-buco-maxillo-facial area and soft parts

Where there are two (or more), the power increases "

In the first 3 months of 2018, our doctors performed 15 reconstructive interventions pro bono for 14 patients, including 3 children.

In the same period of the year, 22,500 Euros entered the Association's account, of which 2,830 Euros came from personal donations and 19,670 Euros from donations from for-profit companies.

From these donations were covered the costs of medical supplies used in those

15 interventions, costs worth almost 12,000 Euros.

For the next three months, we have scheduled so far a number of 4 reconstructive interventions in children, with a diverse pathology: brachial plexus, post-combustion sequelae, limb reconstructions, hand and foot hemiparesis.

The average cost of consumables used in the operating room and later, for postoperative care, is 1000 - 1200 Euro for an intervention. We are proud of the involvement and generosity shown by Zetta doctors, who undertook to carry out, without any fee, all these complex interventions.

And because "where there are many, the power increases", the more we manage to mobilize more financial resources to purchase the necessary medical supplies, the more we will be able to solve more such cases!

How can you help?

We want to help as many little ones as possible who need complicated operations, which their families cannot support financially. The most important resource we mobilize for this purpose is the valuable expertise of our surgeons and anesthetists, who operate pro bono.

Any financial support from you, people or companies, is just as valuable. No operation can be performed without the necessary consumables for the intervention itself and postoperative care.

Choose how you want to get involved in the Zetta for a Smile campaign:

Or simply… adopt a case!

Choose to financially support the costs of consumables in the intervention room for a child.

Thanks to all those who help us to put smiles and hope on the faces of our children!