Originar din Constanta, lucuitor al Bucurestiului, Eusebiu Spinu si-a legat destinul de arta didactica. Liceul de Arta Constanta, Centrul Cultural „Th.Burada” Constanta, Liceul de Arte Plastice „N. Tonitza” Bucuresti si Academia Nationala de Artă Bucureşti sunt locurile din care, de sub mana profesorului Spinu, au iesit mii de absolventi. Din 1995 este membru UAP, timp de 6 ani conducand filiala UAP Constanta. A participat, ca artist-ceramist, la expozitii de grup desfasurate in Iasi, Cluj, Bucuresti, Mamaia, Mangalia, dar si la evenimente similare din Belgia, Franta, Japonia, Bulgaria, Canada sau Portugalia. Are in palmares, de asemenea, numeroase expoziţii personale, desfasurate in mai multe orase din Romania cat si in Elvetia.
When I launched the idea of getting involved and developing a new exhibition project, I had in mind the achievement of three important objectives: 1) promoting ceramics in the area of plastic and decorative arts; 2) drawing attention to the creative space (workshop at 298-300 Mamaia Blvd., Constanta), where, together with my branch colleagues, we want to create an artistic identity in the visual arts; 3) attracting my colleagues to the project, but who, be careful, are not potters!
Why? Because this way we can discover together, each with his spiritual contribution, new forms of plastic and decorative expression, the experiment will have as finality the discovery of new valences, in which ceramics still has a lot to say! It is not a new idea, it is not the first time that artists play with this special material (clay, sandstone, porcelain, faience), with colored glazes and earths, with the line that sometimes incisively attacks inert matter, sometimes barely perceptible on the surface. to him, with the plastic and decorative volumes, with the whole register of expressive forms, which ceramics generously makes available to us. I could mention here some famous artists, who had the curiosity and courage to model, paint and draw in ceramic material: Picasso, Tapies, Paul Klee. But don't forget that pottery means burnt earth! I mean, he has to go through the fire test!
Why Eugen Raportoru? Simple! Raportoru is a curious, dynamic artist, eager to experiment bravely and last but not least, very expressive! Honestly, I was very curious to find out what shape the pottery takes out of his hands and thoughts! The result will be observed on the simes of the exhibition and I am convinced that as far as it is concerned, it is only a beginning! For Eugen it is a small but important step and together, in this project, I try, from the position of the professional ceramist, he, from the position of the curious painter, to discover a world with a common denominator. Ceramics = Art!
Through this project I try and I am convinced that I will be able to attract the public's attention and say that Ceramica has not exhausted its plastic and decorative resources, being one of the most offering materials. I have the same conviction that my master and teacher Costel Badea had, that for artists ceramics means volume, color, drawing ", says Eusebio Spinu.
*** List of Romanian Painters and Romanian Painters' Signatures Database are projects of Alexandra's Gallery, whose first stage is the end of 2019. The two products will be public, in order to make the art market transparent and to facilitate the identification and trading of authentic classical and contemporary paintings. Painters who want to be part of this project are asked to contact us.
See the database here: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, IT, M, N, A, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
For more details about some of the artists we promote, we recommend the section Painters. To purchase their works, enter alexandra-s.com/magazin/