De ce nu s-a vandut Wily Herrmann desi avea un pret atat de mic?
"Tablou pictat Wily Herrmann, astept oferte peste 200 euro", suna anuntul postat pe unul din numeroasele grupuri de facebook dedicate colectionarilor de arta. Desi vanzatorul a pus si o imagine din care se vedea ca lucrarile lui Herrman se vand si cu 3.800 de euro, el...
Sînziana Mircea, succes remarcabil la Venetia
Sînziana Mircea, una dintre tinerele speranțe ale artei interpretative românești, a susținut luni, 2 decembrie 2019, în sala de concerte a Conservatorului de Muzică „Benedetto Marcello” din Veneția, un recital de pian dedicat Zilei Naționale a României. Recitalul a...
The secret behind the banana sold for $ 120,000 as a work of art
A banana bought by an artist from a grocery store in Miami and later glued with a trivial tape to a wall came to be worth no less than $ 120,000 after it was put up for sale by the Art Basel Miami gallery, informs CNN . "Artwork...
AQUA Carpatica a urat ”La Mulți Ani!” României din Times Square, New York City
O surpriză inedită pentru români din partea brandului românesc de apă minerală AQUA Carpatica. Emoții și dor de acasă pentru românii care au trecut de 1 Decembrie prin Times Square. Drapelul național, munții Carpați, dar și o urare atât în limba română, cât și în...
Alin, Bogdan, Cătălin and Tudor - four heroes you should know about
Exceptional archeological discovery in Romania: an investment of Holcim in the area of Târgșoru Vechi commune (40km from Bucharest) brought to light the traces of a huge settlement, from the 8th-10th centuries, with an area of approximately 2.5 hectares, which includes over 50 ...
About an official meeting and the secret of the waters in the Sulina city area
In octombrie, la cererea UNESCO, a avut loc o intalnire destul de bizara a Comisiei comune a Camerei Deputaților și a Senatului pentru relația cu UNESCO: o dezbatere privind găsirea unor soluții comune în "conservarea, protejarea și promovarea patrimoniului cultural...
Do you know any puppet theater troupes? Give them this link.
Rafi Peer Theater organizes, between February 7-9, 2020, the first edition of the Rafi Peer Puppet Festival. It will take place in Bagh Ibne Qasim Park, located near Clifton Beach in Karachi, Pakistan. The festival organizers cover the expenses with accommodation and meals ...
Will you be in the US in December? Go to INK Miami
INK Miami 2019, one of the most famous art events in the United States, opens its doors on December 4-8 for pop visual art lovers. The list of artists whose works will be exhibited includes Vito Acconci, Derrick Adams, Josef ...
Who is Bogdan Gheorghiu, Minister of Culture in the Orban Government
Bogdan Gheorghiu, the current Minister of Culture, is a PNL deputy from Suceava and is 44 years old. She attended the courses of the Ecological University of Bucharest - Faculty of Arts - Acting, and she took her degree at the “George Enescu” University of Arts in Iași - Faculty of ...
Artist profile - Constantin Sinescu
Born in Iaşi, graduate of the School of Fine Arts, member of UAP since 1994, participant in numerous national and international creative camps, Honorary member of the Romanian Art Association, Constantin Sinescu is a complex artist, with works in collections in the country. .
Artist profile - Tudorel Ciobotaru
Tudorel Ciobotaru was born in 1974 in Arbore commune, Suceava county, and now lives in Bucharest. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at Nicolae Titulescu University and also has a master's degree in Business Law, from the same University. He is passionate about reading, ...
Oil paintings with Cristi Borcea and Elena Udrea, for sale on olx
Un tablou semnat Stefan Dobre, reprezentandu-l pe cel mai faimos dintre fostii actionari ai clubului de fotbal Dinamo Bucuresti, se vinde pe olx cu 7500 de euro. In pret este inclusa, de vanzator, si rama din lemn masiv de 12 cm latime, evaluata la circa 500 de euro....