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Artist profile - Ovidiu Puscasiu

The painter Ovidiu Puscasiu is part of that rare category of artists to whom tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people have seen their works without knowing who they belong to. This is because Ovidiu Puscasiu painted churches in Corbu (Harghita), Colmenar (Madrid, ...

Our partners: today, the Zetta Association

As June 1 approaches and we celebrate Children's Day, our partner, the Zetta Association, invites you to get involved in supporting children with a difficult financial situation, which requires reconstructive surgery. Our doctors specialize in ...

Ce este „noaptea muzeelor” si cum a aparut evenimentul

Museum Night is the name given to the annual cultural event sponsored by the Council of Europe, UNESCO and the International Council of Museums (ICOM), through which many museums, in partnership with various other cultural institutions, open their doors freely, ...
Marcel Thiele vs Maria Pălăria vs Johnny Bica – ROCAT 10

Marcel Thiele vs Maria Pălăria vs Johnny Bica - ROCAT 10

Vezi cateva zeci de imagini de la eveniment AICI. Aproape o suta de persoane au venit joi, 10 mai, la Galeria Alexandra’s, pentru a-i cunoste pe cei trei artisti care au dat numele Galei ROCAT cu numarul 10: Marcel Thiele, Maria Pălăria și Johnny Bica. Marcel...