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Theodor Aman (1831 - 1891) - Girl's head

16.012,42 lei

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Aman was a real revolution for the local conservative society, which had just broken away from the Phanariot customs of wearing the isch and the jubilee. Aman himself was elevated to the rank of pitar boyar by the ruler Barbu Știrbei in 1856, being thus rewarded for his assertion efforts in the field of arts. Without denying his fortune, title and boyar origins, Theodor Aman managed throughout his life to behave like a senior of the arts.

The workshop and the house where he lived, which was built in 1869] in Pompeian style, it was at that time a fashionable location where the protipendada of Bucharest met. Thus, about this fashionable place, Alexandru Tzigara-Samurcaș he said "His workshop (…) was the only artistic center where the Bucharest elite of the time gathered".
