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If you have paintings or graphic representations of the signatures of painters like the ones below, do not hesitate to write to us at Also, if you know painters who do not appear here, other information about any Romanian painters, or you know that some of our information is not correct, let us know, make the necessary changes.

  1. Ignat Bednarik
  2. Ilie Ardelean
  3. Ignat Bednarik
  4. Ion Grigore
  5. Ilie Arjoca
  6. Ilie Cămărășan
  7. Imola Abraham
  8. Ioan Emil Kett-Groza
  9. Ioana Olteș
  10. Ioana Antoniu
  11. Ioan Sima
  12. Ion Andreescu
  13. Ion Anghel
  14. Ion Bițan
  15. Ion Dumitriu
  16. Ion Iancuț
  17. Ion Murariu
  18. Ion Negulici
  19. Ion Nicodim
  20. Ion Pacea
  21. Ion Popescu Negreni
  22. Ion Sălișteanu
  23. Ion Stendl
  24. Ion Theodorescu Sion
  25. Ion Țuculescu
  26. Ion Valentin Anestin
  27. Iosif Iser
  28. Iosif Keber
  29. Ioan Alexandru Grosu
  30. Ioan Hans
  31. Iulia Halaucescu
  32. Ivanyi Bela Grunwald
  33. Ion Banulescu
  34. Istvan Barabas

List of Romanian Painters and Romanian Painters' Signatures Database are projects of Alexandra's Gallery, whose first stage is the end of 2019. The two products will be public, in order to make the art market transparent and to facilitate the identification and trading of authentic classical and contemporary paintings. Painters who want to be part of this project are asked to contact us.

See the database here: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, IT, M, N, A, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

For more details about some of the artists we promote, we recommend the section Painters. To purchase their works, enter