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Ballet workout in an art gallery ?! Yes, it is possible.

Pentru unii, asa ceva este inacceptabil: sport intr-o galerie de arta? muzica data tare intr-o incapere unde se afla un tablou semnat de un pictor celebru? La Galeria Alexandra’s, insa, barierele dogmatice nu exista, iar seara de joi, 14 septembrie, a fost o ...

Discover Alexandra's Art Gallery!

On the little streets drawn by the time’s architects, in 1841, to set the limits of Amza’s Square, a few amazing people made buildings which would show the cuty’s attraction to modern Europe. In such a building that breathes history through all its...

Discover Alexandra's gallery

Pe stradutele desenate de arhitectii vremii, in 1841, pentru a delimita Piata Amzei, niste oameni extraordinari au construit cladiri care sa arate deschiderea orasului catre o Europa moderna. Intr-o astfel de cladire care respira istorie prin toti porii si-a gasit...