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Bogdan Andronic - “The Dance”

4.972,80 lei

3 months
6 months
Nine months
12 months

Easy to send by a superficial look as having a raw sexual imagery neighboring pornography, Andronicus' painting. hides under the apparent abruptness of model pictures and aggressive touches a universe whose atmosphere is no better than the delirium of bacchanals, punctuated with surprising symbols assimilated by the artist from the archaic, primitive ritual inventory, and put at the service of his own discourse.

Hermaphrodite characters, zoomorphic forms with phallic attributions, hybrid characters with masks instead of heads that refer to the induced delirium of magical rituals.

The artist's relationship with the world in which his characters abound is unequivocal: source (often understood and represented in the literal, archaic, seminal sense) of the unique order of this universe, the artist is often openly inserted in the midst of the fantastic assemblies he presides.

This absolute control of the author over the universe created by him takes the form of inserting his own being on stage, in the form of a self-portrait. This is not just an autonomous theme in his creation Andronicus., but also a constant presence in most of his works, which include at least one representation of the artist.

Ubiquitous and omnipotent, he directs the scene from the inside, the characters playing as he sings them (in some cases, figuratively). The artist manifests his orderly will not only by representing himself playing the cello in a corner of the stage, appearing discreetly in the texture of the surfaces or directing the pictures and gestures of the characters he maneuvers, but also by compositional strategies. and indicative gestures highlight the authorial presence, underlined even more authoritatively by the consistent presence of the signature, practically transformed into a logo.

Invariably completed by the intended point of Andronicus. as a tribute to the painter Magath, mentor and friend, the signature goes beyond its anecdotal justification and firmly reiterates the identity of the alter ego.Andronicus

The symbolism of primitive, archaic origin, in which the sexualized representations are an element of coherence of the artistic will, finds in his painting Andronicus. the form of an Expressionism tributary to the German type which, in aggressive touches and with a minimal chromatic palette, builds a universe with rules dictated by the particular and subversive humor of the artist.

Deciphering this inventory of borrowed and personalized symbols to suit your own intentions makes you understand his work. Andronicus. a challenge for every viewer.
