
Carmen Poenaru – „Reflexii”

3.978,24 lei

3 months
6 months
Nine months
12 months

Undoubtedly, the painter Carmen Poenaru is a very talented artist, but also a beautiful woman. These qualities also brought him trouble, maybe even a piece of happiness. The talent opened wide horizons for him, often contrary to the quiet life. The real artist is not an ordinary person. He is, in one way or another, a damned man. In the creative process, the artist is propelled by his own inner forces, destroying everything that could take him away from the etheric spheres of his art. The act of creation arises in a mind bubbling with ideas and ends with a great vibration of the soul. Thus, Carmen Poenaru also put art above conventional life, broken by spiritual feelings. His works, full of light and inner life, are a victory gained through work and overflowing imagination. In his paintings we find the most subtle variations of light, an infinite game of solar reverberations, in colors that are sometimes strong, sometimes vaporized or iridescent. Maybe that's why Carmen Poenaru's painting has a strong soul vibration, such a bright breath of life and its rhythms. It is said that the life and character of an artist can be discerned in his creation, which, like love, cannot be hidden, just as a cannonball cannot be hidden.
