
We are in a complicated period, in which the most important thing is to be healthy. Together we will overcome well the situation we are in. For this, it is very important to inform yourself from credible sources, to stay at home and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Don't neglect your family's savings either. In times of crisis, it is important to have cash, to have sufficient amounts on the card but also some cash, to carefully monitor the financial investments made and to diversify them so that the risk of their depreciation is minimal. In normal times, investments in the stock market, in electronic money and in investment funds are the most profitable. When there is a crisis, it is good to think about hoarding (precious metals) and art objects (in the last hundred years, they have never depreciated). Alexandra's Gallery team is with you right now. The online store operates normally. The entire team of Alexandra's Gallery is with you and we welcome you with many attractive offers, representing authentic art objects, with documents of origin. We make every effort to ensure that the products you want reach you on time, in conditions of total biosecurity. We encourage you to choose online payment based on the invoice issued and home delivery. If you have suggestions on how we could improve your shopping experience during this period, do not hesitate to contact us at We really read the messages here, and your opinion matters. Remember that when you buy an art object you finance an artist, that is, an extremely important person for all of us. Scientists give crutches to humanity. Artists, in turn, give him wings.