
Capital City Hall through Cultural Center "Brâncovenești Palaces at the Gates of Bucharest" and Alexandra's Gallery invites you on saturday March 3, 2018, at the opening of the exhibition Subjective Landscapes. A painting exhibition, signed by Eugen Raportoru and curated by Marcel Bunea, organized in partnership with Romano Kher National Roma Culture Center. The opening will take place at 17.00.

Eugen Raportoru he is a Painter… because only painting can take him out of the intense feelings of the pulse of life. Hardworking and lucid, the artist finds it difficult to chart his way, through the web of contemporary prejudices. The fight does not scare him, on the contrary, it motivates him superior. Sincerity is, I think, the defining feature of his art. Eugen Raportoru is not an intellectual interested only in essences and syntheses, but he organizes the pictorial surface with specific reason. And that's no small thing! (Marcel Bunea)

The exhibition can be visited between 03.03.2018 - 31.03.2018, at the Mogosoaia Palace (Valea Parcului Nr. 1, Mogoșoaia, Ilfov).