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Paradoxically, Maria always liked hats, but she only had one, until she started making them herself. „Era foarte simpla. Nu voiam sa se asemene cu nimic din ce vedeam pe strada. Mereu mi-a placut sa fiu pe drumul meu. Asa si cu palariile, cand am invatat sa le fac, mi-am zis ca nu o sa creez niciodata doua palarii la fel. Fiecare palarie sa reprezinte purtatorul, sa aiba o poveste, cu stil si suflet”.

Maria started making hats two years ago. When he realized that he didn't like anything as much as hats, he quit his job as a nurse in a dental office. He does not consider himself a designer, but a hatter. „Nu schitez nimic pe foaie inainte sa ma apuc de treaba. Stau de vorba cu omul, ii ascult povestea si dupa ce imi pornesc aburul, ma apuc de treaba. Inspiratia imi vine treptat, iar pana acum fiecare palarie a primit felicitari”.

Maria Palaria is one of the Romanians who made the hats reach the list of the most worn accessories. If in the past the hat indicated a certain social status, nowadays it says a lot about the personality of the wearer, depending on the model. Now, hats are a statement accessory, they are more than a coat, they are an accessory that you use to communicate and communicate an idea.

It takes two or three days to make a hat. On the first day, the felt is prepared if necessary and pulled on the shoe to the circumference of the client's head, after which it is left to dry overnight. The next day, take the dry hat off the shoe, iron it, sew it, give it the shape of the cap and the boron, then accessorize it and go to the last details.

„De regulă ascult povestea fiecăruia, de aici pleacă și inspirația. Mi-am dorit de la început ca pălăriile mele să fie o reflexie din sufletul omului care o poartă și așa a și rămas și o să rămână, acesta fiind unul din motivele pentru care nu fac niciodată două pălării la fel, pentru că niciun suflet nu seamănă cu celălalt. At one point, I applied to a guitarist's hat, among other details, a few strings from an older guitar. He was pleasantly impressed, he still tells me how much he likes the hat and how much he wears it ”.

