Art exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Union of Bessarabia with Romania
On Tuesday, March 27, at Alexandra's Gallery, the centenary of the unification of Bessarabia with Romania was celebrated with a painting exhibition by Iurie Matei, Valeriu Jabinschi, Ion Jabinschi and Marina Grosu Vasile, all from the Republic of Moldova. Evening to ...
A great artistic event Damian Exhibition - 96
The great Romanian artist Horia Damian would have turned 96 on February 27, the day when a small but masterful exhibition of gouaches, drawings, paintings and sculptures was inaugurated at Alexandra's Gallery in Bucharest, an exhibition worthy of any of .. .
1. Cover: Fortified City 1986 Oil on canvas 150 X 150 cm 2. Starry Sky 1951 Oil on wood 76 X 89 cm 3. Composition 1952 Watercolor, pencil on paper 27 X 42 cm In 1990, at a time when the image of the country in our world was disastrous, we accepted the invitation ...
Primăria Capitalei si Galeria Alexandra’s vă invită la vernisajul expoziției „Peisaje Subiective”, de Eugen Raportoru
The Capital City Hall through the Cultural Center “Brâncovenești Palaces at the Gates of Bucharest” and Alexandra's Gallery invites you on Saturday, March 3, 2018, to the opening of the exhibition Subjective Landscapes. A painting exhibition, signed by Eugen Raportoru and curated by ...
A great artistic event Damian Exhibition - 96
The great Romanian artist Horia Damian would have turned 96 on February 27, the day when a small but masterful exhibition of gouaches, drawings, paintings and sculptures was inaugurated at Alexandra's Gallery in Bucharest, an exhibition worthy of any of .. .
Damian was at Alexandra's Gallery
Alexandra's Gallery invites you to an extraordinary event: the inauguration of the exhibition of the great Romanian artist Horia Damian on the occasion of the 96th anniversary of his birth. 96 years ago, on February 27, 1922, Horia Damian was born in Bucharest, a painter ...
Book launch at Alexandra's Gallery, with Bogdan Stoica
Writer Bogdan Stoica returns to Alexandra's Gallery. On Saturday, February 17, from 12.30, Bogdan Stoica will be with us for an autograph session on the third volume of the bestseller "The type in movies does not exist". According to Univers Publishing House, the books "The guy from ...
How to buy in interest-free installments paintings, jewelry, old pieces of furniture
The advantages of interest-free installments are well-known: the goods purchased are not expensive during payment, the financial effort you make is stable and does not put pressure on your wallet, plus you can reduce the number of installments and pay in advance. .
Iurie Matei's paintings, in Romania, exclusively through Alexandra's Gallery
Since 2017, Alexandra's Gallery is an exclusive agent for the sale of works signed by the artist Iurie Matei. Decorated with the merit of Artist of the People and the trainer of a generation of Bessarabian painters of great talent and future, Iurie Matei is among the most ...
ROCAT 8, pe 7 februarie, cu Nicoleta Jutka, YanniA si Publika, la Galeria Alexandra’s
Nicoleta Jutka a revenit in Romania, cu prima ei expozitie din acest an, la Galeria Alexandra's. Cei aproape o suta de participanti au avut parte de o experienta senzoriala inedita, lucrarile Nicoletei Jutka constituind o provocare vizuala in functie de lumina...
Tudor Octavian, dubla lansare de carte la Galeria Alexandra’s
Despre Tudor Octavian se spune ca scrie texte care pot fi citite și la berărie, și la biblioteca Academiei. Finețea observației și meșteșugul scrisului si-au dat mana si fac textele semnate "Tudor Octavian" sa fie citite cu nesat de peste 50 de ani. Asa s-a intamplat...
Vrei sa fii Artist-Rezident in Viena, cu o mie de euro in buzunar? Aplica AICI.
Programul Artists-in-Residence de la quartier21/MuseumsQuartier oferă tinerilor artişti din Cehia, Ungaria, România şi Slovacia un atelier-apartament şi posibilitatea de a trăi şi lucra în Viena pentru o perioadă de una sau două luni. Rezidenţele sunt destinate...