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For several months now, we have been using this acronym frequently. What does ROCAT mean? What does ROCAT mean? Where do ROCAT events take place? How does a ROCAT event take place? What kind of artists can be promoted at ROCAT events? Find out all the answers in the text below.

What does ROCAT mean?

ROCAT means Romanian Century Art Tour, it is a cultural project of Alexandra's Gallery for the years 2017-2018 and it is dedicated to the Centenary of Modern Romania.


What does ROCAT mean?

Proof that we belong to the European cultural space. In this sense, until the end of next year, we will intensively promote more Romanian artists. We want to show Romanians that they have compatriots they can be proud of, and foreigners that Romania is a state that has evolved spectacularly, modern and cosmopolitan, but that has not lost its vein of typical Romanian art and spirituality for which we were famous in the interwar period.


Where do ROCAT events take place?

Usually, ROCAT events take place in Alexandra's Gallery, but we also target new territories, such as the embassies of the countries accredited in Bucharest or the Romanian embassies abroad.


How does a ROCAT event take place?

Totul incepe cu o sedinta, in care „vanatorii” nostri de artisti propun nume. Cautam, de obicei, artisti mai putin cunoscuti, dar cu rezultate uimitoare, care merita promovate. Alegem cativa, din zone culturale diferite, discutam cu ei si cautam compatabilitati. Apoi alegem doi sau trei, pe care ii invitam sa-si prezinte creatiile si sa se faca cunoscuti publicului Galeriei. Fiecare eveniment este promovat pe Facebook si prin newsletter-ul nostru si este sustinut, cu produse, de cate un brand de bauturi. La evenimentele ROCAT vin intre 50 si 100 de persoane care discuta cu artistii, le studiaza si admira opera, beau ceva, asculta muzica, se plimba prin galerie, fac networking… Sunt seri foarte frumoase, deloc protocolare dupa momentul de debut, cand prezentam protagonistii.

ROCAT 4 (international)

What kind of artists can be promoted at ROCAT events?

It is mandatory to be Romanian, but it is not mandatory to be Romanian residents, we gladly promote not only Romanians from within the borders, Romanian artists established in other countries. They can be painters, sculptors, graphic artists, writers, poets, musicians, photographers, filmmakers, but also collectors of art and historical artifacts, because ROCAT promotes art in all its forms. If you know someone who deserves to be promoted, write to us at