Today, the simas of Alexandra's Gallery host the works of Ana Necolau. UNARTE graduate, with a master's degree in Florence and a doctorate in fine arts, Ana Necolauautography, graphics and painting, participating in artistic projects that involved including body-painting. Since 2002 he has been making graphic illustrations for books. Participation in graphic and painting exhibitions are no stranger to him at all: he has been doing this since he was 5 years old.
„Am avut onoarea sa-l am ca profesor, in lumea graficii, pe Iuri Isar; acest om minunat m-a invatat sa simt, sa studiez si gandesc si sa iubesc fiecare liniuta. Mi-a placut mult ce faceam dar stiam si simteam ca exista mai mult. Am ales, asadar, sa-mi fac masterul la Florenta.. Cursurile, proiectele si zecile de expozitii de acolo m-au calauzit catre arta contemporana, pe care am invatat sa o inteleg, sa o simt si sa-mi devina sursa de inspiratie. M-am intors in tara cu un noua viziune, I also wanted to deepen digital, so I took photo-video courses at the University of Art and then a doctorate in fine arts. One of my biggest achievements so far is last year's exhibition in Vienna, a dream I realized with the help of ICR (Alexandra's Gallery partner - no.) ", says Ana Necolau.
Alexandra's Gallery puts artists like Ana Necolau and contemporary art in the spotlight. In addition to permanent acquisitions, we organize creative camps and support contemporary art through temporary exhibitions in unconventional spaces. Phenicia Grand Hotel Bucharest, Yaki Hotel Mamaia, Phenicia Royal Mamaia or Floria Dorobanti store are locations where you can see part of the portfolio of works of Alexandra's Gallery. ROCAT events are also proof of the interest given to contemporary art in any form.
Come and meet Ana, among her paintings, at ROCAT 3. Details here: LINK.